Updates Tuesdays and Wednesdays
No comics this week!
Posted November 2, 2020 at 7:17 pm

Hey everyone! Please vote over at TWC if you're so inclined! I have no new incentive, but I might as well ask!

I spent my week off getting ready for the election and generally catching up on the things I needed to finalize for the Kickstarter for the first volume. (As per usual, it's always coming soon, but this time at least things are ready to go?) I made this design as a bit of stress relief, and I quite like it! I'm debating about shading it and whatnot, because I kind of like it plain, though I'll need to work on the colors a bit more. This is just to have something to post for this week. 

Please vote on Tuesday if you haven't! Keep things apolitical in the comments, please! I'll be working the election tomorrow and won't be around to monitor my site. Also, let's all do ourselves a favor and avoid social media for awhile, okay? Stay safe, everyone! Don't get the 'rona! I'll be back next week!
